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Has anyone else noticed how clueless Oculus/Meta Store Support is?


I will eventually file a dispute for my order Support seems to have no clue about it. I placed an order 2 weeks ago and the tracking number is still invalid. Support says I need to contact DHL even though it is a USPS tracking number. Three support agents told me it was a DHL package but it's an invalid USPS tracking number. Now support says the tracking number is deactivated for security reasons then sends me a link that is supposed to validate this statement, but the link says the opposite. 


Secondly, I contacted Support asking when the GPU list in the Oculus software will be updated to identify newer GPUs because about a year now the Oculus launcher still says my PC doesn't meet the minimum requirements to use VR when I run an i9 9900K and an RX 6950XT. Support says I should go to my local computer store and get a GPU that is supported. 


Honored Guest

They are unbelievably bad. I ordered my Quest 2. The order was never delivered. When I contacted support, I was told there was a problem with my order that could only be resolved if I send in my photo ID / drivers license. They refused to tell me what the problem was. I refused to send my photo ID. I cancelled my order. 


It's really unfortunate not to be taken into consideration.



I got the exact experience when I reached out to them a couple of days ago because I keep getting I don't meet minimum requirements... 


4090 RTX

32g DDR5

1300w PSU

z790 MB


after a couple of days of BS steps to follow, this is what I got this morning.


Oculus Crap support.jpg

Yea that sucks. But you eventually got a Quest 2 right?

They must be reading a script because their solutions are the worst. All they have to do is update the software identifying the new GPUs. I mean it's been about a year that I  have been getting the same minimum requirements message. 

Honored Guest

@ChicagoFontain wrote:

I will eventually file a dispute for my order Support seems to have no clue about it. I placed an order 2 weeks ago and the tracking number is still invalid. Support says I need to contact DHL even though it is a USPS tracking number. Three support agents told me it was a DHL package but it's an invalid USPS tracking number. Now support says the tracking number is deactivated for security reasons then sends me a link that is supposed to validate this statement, but the link says the opposite. 


Secondly, I contacted Support asking when the GPU list in the Oculus software will be updated to identify newer GPUs because about a year now the Oculus launcher still says my PC doesn't meet the minimum requirements to use VR when I run an i9 9900K and an RX 6950XT. Support says I should go to my local computer store and get a GPU that is supported. 

Thank you so much all for gr8 Insight and thorough information.

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