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Has it happen to anyone?

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I merged my quest account with my Facebook account but when I use it to login to the Oculus app (because it says i have to use Facebook to login) it doesn't put my Oculus account but makes me create a new one, i'm very confused, I sent an email to Oculus support but if any of you know how to solve this problem or if by any chance i'm using the wrong FB account (which I doubt since I only have one) do you know how to find what is the Facebook account is linked.

Every FB account I have created for them gets immediately disabled.

This is so frustrating and it's been several weeks since my support request and I've been bounced around to three separate support persons now with the issue completely unresolved.

AT this point this is CONSUMER FRAUD!

There should be a huge warning on the retail box that says if you create a new Facebook account as required you could be disabled and not able to use the hardware!!!
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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