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Hdmi problems

Honored Guest
Just purchased oculus rift today, i have a msi ge72 apache pro laptop, it has a nvidia gtx970m graphics card.  i tried setting up my rift for the first time, all the usbs are connected fine, it just won't read the hdmi and im losing my mind over it. I tried restarting, everything is plugged in firmly, i made sure drivers are up to date. I've read on other forums that it has to do with something how it needs to be plugged directly into video card and not motherboard, my laptop only has one hdmi port on it.

Honored Guest
im having the same problems, exept my Hdmi and usb for the rift isnt reading properly.  funny thing is, steam VR works fine. same thing with the oculus store. it all works, so the oculus works fine, but there seems to be something wrong with the setup tool itself..
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