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Head set HDMI Not Connecting

I Just got my rift today and it started working fine until a little ago when for some reason it stopped detecting the HDMI cable and now i cant get it to connect its in my GTX 1080 TI's HDMI slot that works just fine with my monitor thanks for the help

Found my issue and I hope it’s the same for you all.  I was connecting the headset into the HDMI of the motherboard.  Try using the one on the graphics card itself.  As soon as I plugged it into the GPU it was recognized and I’ve been up and running ever since.  I’m already assuming you have all your drivers up to date as well.  Hope this helps.

Not applicable

Found my issue and I hope it’s the same for you all.  I was connecting the headset into the HDMI of the motherboard.  Try using the one on the graphics card itself.  As soon as I plugged it into the GPU it was recognized and I’ve been up and running ever since.  I’m already assuming you have all your drivers up to date as well.  Hope this helps.

thanks but mine is in the GPU.

happy vring man

Damn I hope you get it sorted out quickly 

Same here mines in my gpu but I had it working for a short time before it just black screened and never worked again 

Honored Guest
HDMI was working fine for the past few weeks, but it stopped working today (Aug 7). Was there some kind of Rift update? Anyway, tried most of the things suggested here, nothing worked. Finally decided to disable SLI on my two cards. HDMI detected and now it works again. Re-enabled SLI, and HDMI still works. No idea why...

I personally have no idea why either but for my personal rig i just have one card 

I've been in contact with support and they want me to add a credit card to my account but i was wondering why as my oculus is still under warranty
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