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Headset completely unresponsive

Honored Guest

I haven’t used my headset for around 3 years as I haven’t been able to use it . I turned it on and everything was working fine until some games were not loading. I gathered that this could probally be because there was a lot of updates needed so I went into settings and done the updates. Then , the updates were happening and it came up with a blue universal sign and then kept going black . Now , it won’t turn on at all and even when plugged in , the light that shows it is charging doesn’t light up . I’ve tried everything like holding the power button for a while and trying to do the factory reset button but nothing works. What should I do?



@FreyFreyo1  mobile VR headsets are based on mobile phone technology. After leaving it for 3 years, it sounds like the updates killed the headset, and the lipo battery has gone below the minimum charge from which it can be recharged.  You may be able to replace the internal battery, which may get you to a point where you can recover the headset with a factory reset. Otherwise, please recycle responsibly.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Honored Guest

Thankyou , I did think it was probally something to do with how long I’d left it. I have had it plugged in on charge for about 1h now and it does occasionally flash with a red light next to the power button . Not sure if this means anything?

@FreyFreyo1  you could try the blip charge method.  Lipo batteries have a charge circuit which stops the battery being charged if it's gone below the minimum charge point.  If you plug the charger into the wall it will charge for a second or so and then the charge circuit will stop charging. If you keep plugging in and unplugging the charger to the wall socket it might get enough of these tiny amounts of charge to charge it up past the minimum charge point, and then the charge circuit will allow the battery to be charged normally. If you have a wall socket with a switch, it makes it easier to keep turning the switch on and off to get the tiny charges into the battery.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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