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Headset pairs but won't connect

Honored Guest

I've been using my quest 2 for a while and decided I would like to set up sidequest so I'd be able to play a few extra games. Although I will mention although it is my headset I am not the main account on the device if this has anything to do with it. While trying to set up sidequest one of the main key things you need to do is connect your device to your phone in order to turn on developer mode, this way you have more access to certain files. My phone is able to pair with my quest but cannot fully connect. I am also able to cast from my quest onto my phone but not able to access the headset settings. If I press tap to connect on the app it does nothing. Both headset and phone are connected to the same wifi, and both have bluetooth turned on. the headset and phone are paired in the app but unable to connect, and finally, both quest and phone app are completely up to date with all software downloads. I've tried all solutions so far that I've seen and literally none of them have worked. Please someone help me figure this out.

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