10-10-2023 06:38 PM
I went to get in my headset a me a little SIM card looking symbol with a green progress bar popped up. Now my headset it stuck on the boot up screen with the oculus symbol flashing. It’s been like this for 10 minutes or so now
10-11-2023 03:00 PM
Hello there, @Peachyluvv. Thank you for reaching out about your Quest not booting up. We know you must be eager to jump back into your game, and we want to help as quickly as possible. Based on how you described the SIM card, it sounds like your headset was in the middle of updating. Normally, this can take some time, but more than 10 minutes sounds like it may have gotten corrupted while updating.
This could happen for many reasons; one of the main ones is that the headset Wi-Fi dropped or maybe the headset was turned off randomly. The best way to resolve this would be to factory reset the device. Don't worry; you won't lose any games or apps from this.
To perform a factory reset using the headset:
Please let us know if you have any more questions or if the issue has not been resolved. We'll be looking out for your response!
10-12-2023 05:00 PM
Hey again, @Peachyluvv. We just wanted to reach out and see if you still needed any further assistance. If you have any issues or have any questions, please let us know!
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Getting Help from the Meta Quest Community
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