01-01-2025 09:57 AM
I have a new Meta Quest 3S and after downloading the app I have been unable to pair the headset. It says I need a 5 digit code but I just see the Meta spinning image in the screen. The help pages say to get code off the app but I see no code in the app. I am also unable to turn the headset off. If I press the power button for 20 seconds the screen goes black and then turns back to the Meta image and then it spins again. I have checked the SN but apparently my product is not listed as having an issue. Please help. Thanks.
01-01-2025 12:43 PM
@KEITHrocks hold down the minus volume control and then hold down the power button to turn it off. when it restarts it should be in USB update mode. this gives you the option to toggle using the +/- volume buttons and select with the power button. factory reset the headset, or factory reset the headset using the mobile app. this should allow you to repeat the setup process.
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