01-12-2025 12:29 AM
On December 20, 2024, my Facebook account was falsely reported as a fake account by a malicious individual. The account in question is under the name Nguyen Cao Tai and can be found at this link: https://www.facebook.com/nguyencaotai1969.
This account contains sensitive personal information that cannot be easily changed. I have been using this account for over 10 years, and it is absolutely not a fake account. However, the issue arose because someone created a nearly identical account, copying my profile picture, full name, and other details with 99% similarity. The critical difference is that their account has a blue verification tick, which was used to falsely accuse my account of being an impersonation.
When they reported my account, Facebook’s systems compared my account to theirs and mistakenly flagged mine as the fake one because their account had the blue tick. As a result, I was locked out of my account. Despite completing Facebook's verification process to prove my identity, my account was still locked for "violating Facebook’s integrity policies," labeling it as a fake account.
This is a significant loophole in Facebook’s system. My account, which I have used and maintained for over a decade, was wrongly flagged and disabled, while the impersonating account with the blue tick was treated as
authentic. I assure you that my account is genuine, and this situation has caused me significant inconvenience.
01-12-2025 12:54 AM
So your account got disable due to a fake imposter report. To recover your account you need to contact with support team it's not easy to recover this type of account.
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