a month ago
Hoping for some guidance! We purchased my son a new Meta Quest 2 in April last year from Argos in the Uk. This weekend just gone my son came down stairs and mentioned his room was full of smoke and his headset charge port had melted! Obviously scary. The retailer Argos is squirming! My suggestion is they should investigate this and given the volume of issues that can be viewed just by googling they should reach out to Meta! I am at my wits end, I have a very upset son, a device that could’ve set on fire if he hadn’t called us and a retailer who it would seem is not interested! Anyone know a way to reach out to meta directly? I have gone through a horrific registration process to get this far. I can’t seem to find a way to actually email anyone. I just want to make them aware of the issue, in case a recall is needed and to find out how I can get a replacement!
a month ago
Hi there,
Thank you for getting in touch with Meta Quest Support.
We understand that this is an urgent issue, and we'd like to take a look at this further. If you could please get in touch with us over private message at Get support | Meta Store, we can help!
a month ago - last edited a month ago
You bought the Quest 2 eight or nine months ago from Argos. It is the responsibility of Argos to either get the quest repared (with THEM dealing with META) or issue you with a new one or if non available or a refund\upgrage. Simple as that. You do not need to contact META or trigger your warranty with them all responsibility lies with Argos under UK consumer law.
a month ago
No I know that! Read my post again! I’ve contacted the retailer, I’m getting nowhere but am in dialogue! I understand UK consumer law pretty well thank, however i need Metas support in dealing with the retailer. I’m struggling with Argos customer service and frankly don’t have time to travel to one of their stores currently.
i’m engaged with Meta now and they are helping me. Which was the question I’d asked not to be educated around the Uk consumer law. But thanks anyway
a month ago
No problem but please chill out. You said Argos was not interested and you eneded with how could you get a replacement so I do appologise if i read it wrong.
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