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Help! "Pending hardware issue" isn't letting me use the RIFT. Firmware version of HMD notpresent

Honored Guest
Hi Guys,
Its been almost an year since i last used my Oculus Rift CV1 - back then I had Win 8.1 and it had no issues whatsoever with touch controllers. Currently, I am facing issues in running this thing, been at it with exchange of emails with the support team but to no avail. There is an orange light on the HMD but no display, the sound is coming fine from its speakers. There isnt any white light on the constellations either. Attached are the error logs (i filtered only ERROR lines), can you let me know what you guys make of it? I ordered a new HMD cable along with a ORICO FL1100 based Usb 3.0 expansion card but still nothing. I have also run the compatibility tool and it passes everything.

Win 10 PRO 1709, Build 16299.192
i7-4790K @4.0 Ghz with 32 GB of DDR3 Ram
GIGABYTE AUROS GTX 1080Ti with latest 390.65 Nvidia Drivers

I am really frustrated as my other VR HMD (Vive) has been working flawlessly for 1 and a half year and also due to the fact that I had bought many exclusive VR
titles on Oculus Home with my hard earned money. Please help a brother
here at least point me to what could be the problem, returning the
headset is not an option as I am not in the U.S. I might just will open
and fix it if its the last resort.

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