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Help skin rash after using meta quest 2 (no reply from support)

Honored Guest


we purchased a meta quest two headset for Christmas and have found it leaves a red skin rash on mine and my son’s face after use, I have contacted meta support several times now with only a generic reply saying you can order this online for free. However when I click request silicone cover a message says i cannot order one as I do not own a meta quest 2? Even though I have activated it and shows I have one on my profile with the serial number etc.


I have contacted meta support several times now after the last 4 days but each time receive an email saying the same thing.


any support greatly appreciated, and also is it safe to continue using as although my son gets a rash he still wants to play this as it was his Christmas present.


Accepted Solutions


hi @venom2014.2023 

All Quest 2 headsets from august 2021 came with a silicone cover in the box

Have a good look in there and let us know if you find it, it's in a small white sleeve.

This would also explain why you are having a problem on the website as the serial number is probably too new.

Let us know if you find it!



Quest 2, Quest 3, PCVR, Meta Wayfarer

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hi @venom2014.2023 

All Quest 2 headsets from august 2021 came with a silicone cover in the box

Have a good look in there and let us know if you find it, it's in a small white sleeve.

This would also explain why you are having a problem on the website as the serial number is probably too new.

Let us know if you find it!



Quest 2, Quest 3, PCVR, Meta Wayfarer

Hi Jonny,


thank you for your quick reply,

im pleased to say after a little hunting around I have found it 👍


thanks again.

Hey @venom2014.2023! We're so glad that you were able to locate your Silicone Cover, and are all set! Hope you have a great time with your new Quest 2, and are now able to enjoy the wonderful world of VR.

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This exact thing is happening to me on the Quest 3. Is there a quest 3 solution also?

Hi @DeeX0 

Meta do sell a silicon facial interface on their website. I believe it is £40.

They don't offer a cover for the existing one but they can be bought from third parties 🙂


Quest 2, Quest 3, PCVR, Meta Wayfarer

Meta is seeing the headset as money making machines now.
You get the most basic available that allows for short term use - for anything else you have to pay extra.

Their headsets are not the only thing causing skin irritations....
I work in aged care and we deal a lot of foam and soft surface products families bring for their loved ones....
Try to explain to the family why you can't allow what they bought because you already know it will cause problems....
Never had a problem with the Oculus headset though until I got the Quest 3.
Apart from the torture device Meta calls a strap to hold it on your head - the facial cover is terrible!

I do not get rashes or such easily but using the 3 on a hot day leaves me looking like a funny character from a comic book.
The fabric seems fine, the foam seems soft and pliable enough and there should be no complaints....
But the fit on the face it just bad....
Where a face is rounded the foam is flat, where it needs more give it is too rigid and where needs to spread to load to fails to prevent pressure sores.
With that comes a lack of blood flow, irritation, sweat.
Had nothing to loose and thought "What about new clothing items?"

If you get new socks, underwear or whatever then it usually comes with a label reminding you to WASH IT before first use....
At this point I had used the headset for a total of about 10, maybe 12 hours.
So things can't be that bad....
As I was curious I used a clear bowl and just warm water with a drop or two of dish washing liquid.
Why not nappy soaker or washing powder you ask ?
Because on the bottle it says it is neutral and free of allergens, doesn't really matter....
The stuff is just much easier to rinse out...
Imagine my surprise, once all things settled, to find the water rather cloudy....
Rinsed the foam properly under running water and did the washing again - mostly clear remains.
One last round and the water was clear....
And funny enough no skin irritations ever since, except those marks making you look you just came from a long diving trip LOL

Free tip:
Get an old school 'razor stone', no clue how they are called in your area, so asking a barber will help.
They are used after shaving to sooth the skin and to make tiny bleeds stop instantly.
I think it is the same aluminium based stuff you find in 24h deodorants and such, just in block form.
It not only fills the fabric when gently rubbing over it to smooth it...
You skin stays dry then instead of sweating badly 😉
Works like a reminder to tell you it is time for a quick wash.
Once the white powder starts to look rather dark and ugly that is.
For some reason the fabric by itself is really great when it comes to hiding what builds up on it, or in it.... 😉



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