12-22-2024 12:39 PM
So the meta 3 is the one I have and it doesn’t matter if your in the boundary or not it will flip constantly from the meta screen to lost headset tracking so fast you can’t click anything. It will bring up the menu but it flips so fast I can’t do click on anything I’ve only had this for a day. Long enough to set everything up (avatar, boundaries and play that alien game twice, my actual game hasn’t even been able to download fully yet) I’ve turned it on and off, enough lighting, cleaned cameras, I can’t update it if it needs it, head tracking is on I can see that much. How do I fix it?
12-22-2024 12:45 PM
Hey there @Cheyanne4759 !
We understand you're having issues with tracking in your brand new headset and this is not the experience we want for our customers. We'd like to suggest you some troubleshooting steps in order to fix this and make your Metaverse journey smooth this holiday season:
1. Make sure the tracking is turned on
By default, the headset will use 6DoF tracking, unless it has been turned off in the Guardian settings panel or lost tracking while in VR.
2. Clear your boundary history
Bear in mind that if you have multiple accounts on the same headset, boundary history will be cleared for all accounts, not just the account you are currently using.
3. Reboot the headset
If the issue is still persistent, you can send us a PM so that we can look into this in further detail.
12-22-2024 12:49 PM
@Cheyanne4759 is the headset brand new or have you bought it from someone else?
You could try a factory reset to see if it resolves your issue.
it looks like your only option it to do a factory reset. Make sure the headset is fully charged before you start, and keep the headset on charge when you factory reset.
12-23-2024 12:29 PM
I ended up having to take it back to Walmart because it went to a black screen and had a high pitch whistle noise coming from it wouldn’t turn off or on just black screen and got a new one so fingers crossed this one works correctly. Thank you for the suggestions.
12-23-2024 12:30 PM
I ended up having to take it back to Walmart because it went to a black screen and had a high pitch whistle noise coming from it wouldn’t turn off or on just black screen and got a new one so fingers crossed this one works correctly. Thank you for the suggestions.
12-23-2024 12:32 PM
Hey again @Cheyanne4759 !
Thank you for the confirmation, we hope you have the best experience in the Metaverse with the new headset!
Do not hesitate to reach back to us in case you have any further queries.
Wishing you a happy holiday season!
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