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Horizon OS Gallery app on Quest 3 missing

Honored Guest

I have been on v72 for a few weeks now, and last night the settings app said that there was a new update for v72. After upgrading, I can no longer view any panorama or spatial videos in the files app (the files app takes a while to show the panorama files list, and even then the files are just a bunch of graphical icon placeholders, not the actual files and selecting one of the icons just shows a blank screen and I have to quit the TV app to get out of blank view.) There is no sign of the Horizon OS Gallery app that was supposed to be in the 72 update. Has anyone else experienced this issue?



I'm having the same issue. I've used the quest 3 maybe five times for only a few minutes since I got it about 8 months ago on a trade it was practically brand new in the boxes with a bunch of accessories. Yesterday I just learned that there were spatial and 3D videos built into the VR but once I did the update this morning all of that was lost and now I'm very upset and I'm even more upset that even though I charged this battery every month I can't get more than a half an hour out of it. I know for a fact when the person that traded it to me bought it and I know that he didn't use it for more than 20 hours and I obtained it shortly after that and he had the receipts and everything and now it's out of warranty, I really would rather not try to have to replace the battery because it's about 50 screws deep. And I want those videos back that was lost during the upgrade.

Well I hope it doesn’t come to that. Not long after I posted this, the panoramic appeared again and I can access them. The Spacial videos section is empty, and not even the sample spatial videos are showing. 

Interesting, it's been 2 days and I don't see any of the videos back yet. I believe there were four in total. And they look much better than the horizon TV app videos appear because they are much much clearer and clean.I really liked the band one. I did find a video where one of the mythbuster guys has an immersive 3D video where he has a space suit and although it's a little better quality than most of the other ones I've came across it's still not as clear as the sample videos. I've even used side quest to try to make all of the options for the video settings better but it hasn't helped.


Horizon OS Gallery App

I have all the samples videos on my headset 

Mine just came back online.

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