01-04-2022 12:14 PM
I download Horizon World and i create my avatar etc... When I select a worls like visitors the system load during 5 minutes and i got back to the menu with a message '' you can't be able to travel'' somebody know why ?? Thanks
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-10-2022 03:49 AM
Everything is ok when i setup my language in English.
01-10-2022 03:49 AM
Everything is ok when i setup my language in English.
02-19-2022 05:15 PM
I have the same problem. I downloaded twice and isn’t working.
02-23-2022 11:29 AM
Hey there Alexis, thanks for reaching out. We see you are having an issue with Horizon Worlds access. No worries, we can certainly assist you with that.
Please navigate to your settings and under the Device section, scroll down to Languages and select English (US) as your main language. Reboot the headset and launch Horizon Worlds and you should be good to go!
If you continue to have issues with this or have any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach back out to us here or by submitting a ticket on our website here: https://metaque.st/Support.
03-28-2022 04:48 PM
My name is mstee23 on horizon worlds and sometimes I can't get access into worlds when I first login. I can't see world sometimes or can't click on anything. I get error messages, when I 1st come in if I don't click on anything I can't get in, and I can't hear music in different worlds. I can't see my friends list sometimes, and I can't add collaborators. I have over 7 worlds Published and almost 700 Friends. Everyday it's something new and Every update it repair one thing and break everything else. I enjoy being a creator on this app but I definitely needed it to be repaired Asap. Thank you 😞😤😥😡
03-28-2022 06:20 PM
Hey there mstee23! We completely understand your concerns with there constantly being things going wrong when you're trying to enjoy Horizon Worlds. We want to encourage you to report this issues to the Horizon Worlds team by using this Horizon Worlds feedback tool.
When you report when things go wrong, it gives our team the opportunity to make the app better for you and everyone else who may be experiencing the same issue. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the community. 🙏
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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