a month ago
I have been having issues with horizon worlds not putting me into sessions with other people for the last 10 days. I have tried the following to resolve with no success
1. updated software
2. factory reset
3. changed my internet connection to a better speed
The issue is getting frustrating now, and frankly speaking, if the issues does not get resolved this headset and the money was a terrible waste of money that I could've used elsewhere. There is absolutely no response when I submit a bug report using the headset either.
For reference, I have Meta Quest 3. Unfortunately, I cannot even return the headset now because it has been close to 6 months since I have had it.
Please resolve this issue ASAP. Also, please don't recommend me to go to discord either because I don't use discord.
Thank you.
a month ago
I didn't realize this was not Meta support but a community forum. Please accept my apologies for a curt, matter of fact tone, in the last paragraph of my original post above. And, thank you for any advice, suggestions, help from the community, much appreciated.
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