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Horizon Worlds on PC?


Hi i have Horizon Worlds on Quest 2, I would like to know where i can get the pc installation exe so i can run it through pc via ocu link or virtual desktop to get better quality sounds for the world I'm building, placing a speaker near the mic is not the way to go.





Retired Support

Hey Gary! Here is a link to the download for Horizon Worlds for the PC: Horizon Worlds! The Rift apps are still able to be played with the Quest 2 through Air Link or the Link cable! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and ill be happy to assist the best I can! 

"They say that the best blaze burns the brightest when circumstances are at their worst."

It still dont give me the option, it states coming soon on rift and on quest it states purchased but no option to install to pc ?

Retired Support

Are you checking on the Oculus PC software as well? This is where you would need to go to download the app, not from the web browser. Here is a link to download the Oculus software in case you don't already have it: Oculus PC Software! There is a chance that your account hasn't been added to the PC version of Horizon Worlds, this is an on going issue where some user's aren't able to get access to the Horizon Worlds. This issue is being looked into and the team working on Horizon Worlds is trying to get more people's accounts fixed to allow them into Horizon Worlds. I'd recommend submitting a Bug report through the link here: Horizon Worlds Feedback Tool! Sorry for any inconvenience, I hope this information was helpful. 

"They say that the best blaze burns the brightest when circumstances are at their worst."

i can get into horizons via the quest 2 natively but i want the (pcvr) windows version so i can install it on the pc i cant get hold of the exe anywhere and i see people have it so what is going on? 




Here is the direct app link from the oculus store.


just click get, then go to your pc and install

I am trying to get HW on PC the link isnt working.

Hey Woot, did anyone find a way to make an Avatar without Oculus?  i can get PC version going, but stuck to make an Avatar and dont yet own a Oculus.

TIA 🙂 

HI there, @Wandering.Jester. Thanks for reaching out and bringing your avatar question to our attention. We know that when trying to make an avatar without the proper tools can be quite tedious. Kindly note that you are not able to modify an avatar without a headset and you would also not be able to modify them in the mobile app. Once you get a Meta Quest headset and you have any questions about creating your avatar, please don't hesitate to let us know!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

" There is a chance that your account hasn't been added to the PC version of Horizon Worlds, this is an on going issue where some user's aren't able to get access to the Horizon Worlds. This issue is being looked into and the team working on Horizon Worlds is trying to get more people's accounts fixed to allow them into Horizon Worlds"

And still wasn't able to fix it😠.

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