01-05-2025 01:41 AM
So I get the message my Horizon account is restricted. I can't enter any Horizon world.
So due to repeated violations. But here's the kicker. I've never once used horizon worlds.
This headset is brand new. Bought from Amazon.
I've tried the help center. And I'm transferred from agent to agent with none of them actually knowing anything.
They only provide the same 3 links to community standards etc.
In the standards. It says when I get a violation. They'll send me an email.
Never did I get an email.
So how do I get this fixed?
Or should I just finish the games I bought, cancel my quest+ and Sell the Quest 3 headset and buy a different product? Their support is beyond horrible.
01-05-2025 09:27 AM
I hear you I deal with the same problem. Going on two weeks now.
01-05-2025 01:46 PM
I've had this problem since Aug. 2024.
Meta is useless.
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