01-12-2025 01:44 PM
Posting a solution to a specific "Something went wrong error" when attempting to connect a Quest 3 to the Horizon app on a second iPhone, as I wasn't able to find a solution in this forum or Reddit.
First, we have a single Quest 3 with an single user login. We connected it to the Horizon app on iPhone (A) and everything worked great. Later on, we tried to install the Horizon app on iPhone (B) and connect it to the same Quest 3. We used the same login used on the Quest 3 and on iPhone (A). I would try to connect the Quest 3 in the Horizon app on iPhone (B), select Quest is already connected to WIFI (it is and works fine), it would ask for the device code, I would enter the 5 digit code from the Settings > General > About screen and the Horizon app would immediately show "Something went wrong" and would not connect. Again, I haven't found a real solution anywhere (reboots, check network and factory resets aren't solutions).
The solution is to first pair your Quest and your iPhone using the Bluetooth settings on both. Specifically, go into Bluetooth setting on the iPhone (B), find the Quest and pair it. On the Quest, go into Settings > Bluetooth, find the iPhone and pair. Your should see the same 6 digit code on both the iPhone and the Quest. Click pair on both to connect them.
While they are connected via Bluetooth, open the Horizon app and login. Click Devices, choose the device type, select already connected to WIFI, and enter the 5 digit code. Again, this code can be found in the Quest settings, under General > About. It is the same for all users on the Quest. Connecting then worked properly.
Horizon app works on both iPhones with a single Quest 3 headset.
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