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Horrible sound when casting dance central

Honored Guest
My wife and I simply want to be able to watch our daughters play Dance Central on our Quest 2, via our phone/ipad Oculus app, but when it's on all we hear is a loud feed-back type screech. We can't even just watch as the oculus app only goes down in volume and won't mute.

Please help/fix.

Honored Guest
I have the same problem. If you figure out the solution please let me know

Not applicable
I have the same problem, I don't know if it's because its a demo, but I don't think I'll be buying this title until its fixed

Honored Guest
Same problem here, and didn't realize until we bought the full $30 version. They need to fix this ASAP. Same issue whether casting just to a smartphone or to chromecast on TV - noisy interference sound drowns out game music, so bad need to mute it completely.

Honored Guest
Same problem here.  It used to work perfectly on my Quest v1.  Bought the Quest 2 now this happens.  Sound totally distorted through casting to chromecast.  Kinda defeats the point.  Hope they can fix it. 


Hi, I have this same Issue.  When I start casting, all the audio Is awful on my phone or PC when casting.  Anyone know why this Is?

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