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How/Where to formally complain?

Honored Guest


My son was bought a Rift S for his birthday a few years ago and it couldn't be played as his current laptop was not good enough to run it.  So I saved for 9 months to buy him a gaming laptop, just to run this VR.

The cable was always a bit temperamental when initiating it and it's barely been used, but now it won't recognise that the display port is plugged in.  Getting a brand new replacement cable is impossible and there are no altenatives.  The connector that plugs into the headset is called Oculink and is not universal.  I can see many others have the same problem with this cable and the next model brought out has completed replaced it.

I contacted support and was advised that these cables are no longer being manufactured and the only option I had was to pay $109.99/£148CAD to have the headset replaced along with cable, if I returned mine first.  I would get a 3 months' warranty.  I converted this to £ sterling and thought that I could just about afford £86.

I decide to proceed and mentioned to the new advisor that I'd like the Out Of Warranty option but when the documentation was emailed to me, it mentioned £109.99 plus extra taxes.

I returned back to Support and was met with someone who refused to budge.  They said that the $109.99 should have been in pounds, but if that was the case, the Canadian dollar price should have been $195CAD.  I argued this fact, but was wasting my time.

It was all on WhatsApp so it's in black in white, the price was quoted twice by the first agent and I reiterated the price in dollars back to the next agent, with no issues.  The agent gave me brief instructions on where to complain, but I cannot find it anywhere. So here I am!



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there!


We don't like hearing you have had a bad experience with our customer service so we would like to help you out with this. Please get in touch with us directly through this link for some further support- 


Looking forward to hearing back from you so we can turn this around!

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Expert Protege

Be prepared for meta support to do absolutely NOTHING! even if you are lucky to get a replacement cable from the scalpers on ebay you will find meta will brick your device and screw it on the USB ports.  I have a small claims court case against them over the rift s they have turned into a useless lump of plastic on the table.

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