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How can I get my quest 2 charging port repaired

Honored Guest

My quest 2 charging port is broken I've tried different chargers and ports but it still doesn't charge i know it's not the battery cause it shows that it has no battery if turned on


Expert Consultant

You could try I believe they offer a mail-in repair service if you are in the right part of the world. I'm assuming your warranty has expired. Replacement USB port assemblies are also available on AliExpress if you fancy some DIY.

How do you know it's not a battery failure though? If the headset shows that it has no battery, doesn't that open up the possibility of battery failure?

Hopefully you've tried different methods of charging - standard charger to the wall, USB cables from a PC/laptop?

Have you raised a ticket with Meta?

As @user_901925786032222  has stated, after trying the above you've nothing to lose in trying to fix it.  I'd get the parts online and try to find someone locally who dabbles in electronics/soldering.  It's worth a punt.

Let us know how you get on - good luck!!

Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there! We noticed you were having issues with your charging port and wanted to ensure you got the assistance you needed. We are always stoked to see our community engaging and helping each other out, so thank you @user_901925786032222 and of course @hiro_Protag0nist! Were you able to try out suggestions posed by these users at all? Please let us know the results and if you still need further assistance! We would be more than happy to hear how everything is going. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey, hey! We were just stopping by to check in on you, and see how everything was going. We want to ensure you get the assistance you need, and to let you know we are still here if you need us! If you do still need help, let us know and we will be more than happy to pick up where you left off. 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Meta help!!!

this is happening to me, charging port will not charge..


anyway I can fix this? Or what do I do?! The world has got $$money tight right now or I’d just upgrade 😞 

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