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How can I stop drifting on my controller.

Honored Guest
So, i just got my Oculus Rift S yesterday and I'm already having a problem with one of the controllers. My right controller has some drift when i move the joystick to the right. Any ideas on how I can fix this?


What exactly do you mean by drift? Can you provide a more detailed description of the problem?

Also, have you submitted a support ticket?

Honored Guest
Drift is when a controller joystick sensor thinks its still being moved in a certain direction even when Its not being moved.
An example is say im moving my joystick to the right and take my thumb off of the joystick, letting it return to the normal resting position. The sensor still thinks im moving it to the right even though I'm not touching the joystick.
And yes I have submitted a support question and didn't receive any help or recourses to fix the problem unfortunately. 

I fixed the problem with WD-40 electric contact cleaner


Drift is when a controller joystick sensor thinks its still being moved in a certain direction even when Its not being moved.
An example is say im moving my joystick to the right and take my thumb off of the joystick, letting it return to the normal resting position. The sensor still thinks im moving it to the right even though I'm not touching the joystick.
And yes I have submitted a support question and didn't receive any help or recourses to fix the problem unfortunately. 

Ok, so the joystick isn't returning to center properly. Usually when people talk about contriller drift they're referring to the controllers spacial tracking being off, like with the Oculus Go controller.

I have a similar problem but with the vertical axis. I haven't solved the problem, but maybe Fracont's suggestion could work. But if you do try that, be sure to use contact cleaner and not regular WD40.

Honored Guest
Same issue. Mine returns to centre fine and has been kept clean. Frustrating issue after a relatively short period (quest 2 controller). Any input from the Oculus team?
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