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How do I get data on how many minutes or hours I have spent logged into my Oculus 2 headset?

Honored Guest

I have talked with customer service. I have googled it.  I have gone to "Settings" to look for "Safety & Well Being". I have gone to the Move app and gone to the place (featured in youtube videos) that show where you can see time spent using various apps. 

All with no success

My "Move" time tracked chart does not have a drop down to show previous years or months.  It only shows this year (so 14 days).  It does appear to be tracking.  So the feature is turned on.  But customer service was not able to help me.  I am desperately trying to get data for the time I spent using this device in 2024 and 2023.  It will allow me to disprove an accusation that is false.  While it is a "petty accusation", it is one that can easily (with irrefutable data as evidence) help to demonstrate my accuser's lack of credibility. And this will help for more important accusations. Thank you for your drop down for previous yearsno drop down for previous years

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