3 weeks ago
I'm trying to get help with logging in to the stupid meta quest link software for my VR headset but all of the links to talk to support just link back to the FAQ page. Any option which looks like it suggests being able to talk to someone just go back to the help page.
I tried to change my password a few weeks ago but after I updated my password, the new one would not work when trying to login to the app. Now when i try to reset the password, I get a message on their website saying "Anonymous required, this API is only for anonymous callers" ????
Occulus going to meta is still one of the worst outcomes.
3 weeks ago
Hi @Eroglik 🙂
follow the link, tab on "my issue is not listed here" and you'll get the option to chat , whatsapp or email support.
Or send a PM @MetaQuestSupport here on forum.
Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
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