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How do i recover my valuable Meta account?

Honored Guest

I recently got on my oculus and I needed to verify my age or wtv. So I tried to do that, but I haven't recieved any email with the confirmation code. I tried logging in through facebook and it was disabled on the day I was texting with my friends about my school project. I managed to login on my phone and I recieved the email. When I logged in my oculus account, it was also disabled, however I didn't use it in months and I also don't remember  connecting my oculus account with facebook in any way. It's a huge loss for me because I had purchases worth alot of money. Im seeking help in contacting with Meta staff in anyway there is, plus I don't remember sending any stuff that would be so inappropriate that my account got blocked. I already tried meta/hacked and meta/disabled. If I don't get my account back, I want all my money back from purchases on the oculus store.

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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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