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How long for RMA?

Sent my CV1 back a week ago and kept an eye on the tracking. it got back to them in 2 days. how long does it usually take to get a new one once they receive the faulty unit?

Not applicable
Maybe try using a new account with a different credit card 🙂 

Rising Star
Must admit After getting a DK2 that was DOA and replaced, My CV1 had red tint, it had the Tilt issue and now has been sent back due to a catastrophic IMU failure and all with weeks of back and forth with support with each issue of which I have been extremely patient and polite and now they decide to drag out my RMA replacement ( of which i didn't ask for mind you), my politeness and patience has basically RUN OUT. 

Heroic Explorer

pvsleeper said:

Mine is apparently at the warehouse and there is apparently also no way for the support guys to communicate or get any progress updates from the warehouse. It will apparently just be at the warehouse until its not anymore. I am so over this. I will politely nag them every day for the rest of the week and then start the chargeback process on Friday. Not really sure why I think that giving it another week will make a difference. So unhappy 😞

yup, this happened to me (lack of comms' with warehouse LOL) then the replacement arrived UPS delivery without notice... glad my partner was at home otherwise that would have extended the wait another week or month!

Seems there's a bad batch of CV1's 'hitting the fan' as it were. The operative who soldered the hmd socket to the motherboard in the headset I first received was having a bad day when a certain batch were sent out to 'consumers' 
Win 10 Pro, GTX 1080, Asus Z170 Deluxe, Nvidia 391.35

yea i eventually got a replacement without notice. but the replacement has like smudges directly in the centre of view.... Im guessing this 1 is going back too. I hope my warranty starts again! 

Expert Protege

mr2daj said:

yea i eventually got a replacement without notice. but the replacement has like smudges directly in the centre of view.... Im guessing this 1 is going back too. I hope my warranty starts again! 

So so bad 😞

My new order for a rift was cancelled without explanation, I opened a support ticket and it's been closed without reply...

I feel more and more like a victim each passing day.

Not applicable
Wow @mr2daj - that is so unlucky. 😞

I'm not sure what I will will do if I ever receive my replacement and its faulty too. Is it at that point where you just throw in the towel and get a refund and then try again in a year's time? I do not think I can mentally cope with another one of these RMA processes...

Rising Star
Well finally mine is about to ship just waiting for the tracking number

Not applicable
Hmmm.. strange, I also woke up to an email this morning saying that my replacement is on its way, but I still don't have tracking number either. Really hope the "Allocating a tracking number" phase doesn't go on for another couple of weeks...

Rising Star
If it does just get a refund and re-purchase, would be quicker that way. 

Not applicable
I somehow think they will make you wait the same amount of time for a refund, otherwise everyone would have been doing that.
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