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How long for RMA?

Sent my CV1 back a week ago and kept an eye on the tracking. it got back to them in 2 days. how long does it usually take to get a new one once they receive the faulty unit?

Expert Protege

pvsleeper said:

Ok!!! So, I skipped it, then it gave me some warning, then update the firmware on the Rift... and .. ITS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My apologies for jumping to the assumption that its broken, it did really appear to be the case.

Have to say, the image quality of this one is SO much better that the one I sent back. Here's hoping it stays this way!!! 

Thats great news!

Successfully received my replacement unit today, one month after originally contacting support. 

Heroic Explorer

Successfully received my replacement unit today, one month after originally contacting support. 


"tap tap, are you there"?

Is it that good (-:
Win 10 Pro, GTX 1080, Asus Z170 Deluxe, Nvidia 391.35

Expert Protege
Finally received my replacement rift today, the unit looked new, had the smell, although signs that it was not with the packaging and the plastic wrapping around the cables. The dreaded red mist/pixelation has gone! Yay.. But it has a 15degree tilt to the left which makes me instantly sick when I put the headset on.

If it takes 3 weeks to get this out to me because they've got to check my return, why not check the replacement!

Sigh... This is seriously a masterclass in how to fail at launching a product to market. I will do everything in my limited power to ensure that people know the facts about this diabolical product before they spend their hard earned. 

Rising Star
Got my new unit last night, No red tint, No tilt, no marks or scratches, Works perfectly.

Honesty I feel this unit seems a bit clearer and sharper, but that may be due to not having any VR since I sent Defective unit back. 

Rising Star
One thing Oculus have seemed to have changed on the later Rifts:  When you tilt the front of the Rift to suit your face, the old unit was tight and had pre set notches you felt as you tilted it up or down, my new unit has no notches and is no were near as tight, it now kind of almost self adjusts on your face rather than me having to adjust it with a slight force, I much prefer the new version 😉




"tap tap, are you there"?

It seems significantly less broken than the one I shipped back. 

Honored Guest
hi all,

after a lot of problems i got a new rift.

first ticket: 13.08.2016
new Rift: 23.08.2016

later i will check if this unit works...

Not applicable
Wow, a 10 day turnaround! That is actually REALLY good!! I hope that means they have ironed out their support process. I had to wait just over one month for mine, and I nagged them a LOT about it! Hope your new one works well. I'm having a blast with my new one!

Expert Consultant
Good lord, this thread makes me nervous.  I already received a DOA Gtx 970 from Newegg I had to send back and I'm waiting 3 more days for the card I want to buy to come in stock at Amazon.  If we bought the Rift from Amazon and it is defective, can we just send it back to Amazon?  I'm probably screwed because of Newegg sending a defective board leaving me with no way to test the damn rift which in turn is running out my return window on Amazon for the rift!
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