01-07-2025 12:49 AM
Hi everyone,
I’m looking for advice or insights if possible to create an app for the Meta Quest 3 that could either:
1. Scan QR codes to trigger specific actions, or
2. Recognize specific objects (for example a flower) by feeding the app pre-stored images of that flower, and then displaying related information (e.g., the flower’s name).
I found that direct access to the Quest 3 cameras is currently restricted. Does anyone know of a workaround for enabling these features? For example:
* Could an external device read QR codes and send the data to the Quest 3 app?
* Does the Quest 3 reads NFC tags or anything similar?
* Is it possible to process external images (e.g., via a paired phone or PC) and relay actions to the Quest 3?
Alternatively, I’m curious about GPS tracking for location-based experiences. For instance, when the user reaches specific coordinates, the app would display relevant information or trigger an event.
Has anyone experimented with similar ideas, or do you know if there are existing tools, APIs, or SDKs that might enable this kind of functionality?
Thanks in advance!
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