09-09-2021 01:23 PM
I purchase the Skybox app yesterday because they advertise that you can stream 8k into the headset well that is super choppy and not useful at all so this app has no use for me. the regular oculus tv provide good enough capabilities for offline playback of 8k so i want my money back because i have no purpose if the streaming of 8k is not useful please guide me to perform my refund i have been trying to find out since yesterday.
Solved! Go to Solution.
09-09-2021 02:56 PM
I literally typed the word "Refund" into the search box on this page
09-09-2021 02:56 PM
I literally typed the word "Refund" into the search box on this page
09-09-2021 05:10 PM - edited 09-09-2021 05:14 PM
Thank you i just found out that i missed the step to click on the avatar pic lol. Thank you.
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