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How to connect oculus rift CV1 on my videocard Nvidia Quadro M5000 ?

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I'm trying to connect the headset on my videocard Nvidia Quadro M5000, but surprise the cv1 headset has only HDMI connection and my videocard only Displayport....There is no adapter in the oculus Rift cv 1 Box.....
So i've tried four differentes adapter Displayport > HDMI and bad luck, no one works correctly with the headset, no video signal or vertical red and blue line, or headset disconnection every second.

A Solution ? 


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Well done !
This Adapter from CableMaster do the job with Nvidia Quadro M5000 !!
Thx to support.

View solution in original post


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I see people talking about that adapter
Could someone confirm that adapter works on Quadro M5000 pls ?

Sadly, to me the most expensive solution turned out to be the best: DP to miniDP(aka thunderbolt) >> thunderbolt to HDMI.
I'm saying it's most expensive of all because I actually used the thunderbolt2HDMI i bought in an Apple store.
Technically chinese knockoffs work too, but right now I cant find any on ebay or amazon that are like the exact models turned out to be working (ordered ~10, 3 of them doing the job perfectly).
Theoretically any DP to HDMI should work. (In reality, oh well, you know).
Right now I'm using a thunderbolt to DVI, and a simple DVI to HDMI converter (the apple one).
The video card I'm using is a Gainward Phantom, with mini-DP sockets instead of the regular ones, that's why my initial pick was the apple adapter, but it should work with DP>Thunderbolt>HDMI since the DP>MiniDP is just form factor change.

Used to have random connect-disconnect issues occasionally, but in my case it was just dust, pressurized air sorted it out. Your problem likely lies elsewhere, but it can`t hurt to make sure.
Also be sure to have the latest nvidia drivers, chipset drivers AND windows updates.

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Well, i 've got answer from oculus support (ticket request), they told me to buy this adapter:
Displayport to HDMI

Comin back in few days to tell community if problem was solved with this adapter.

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Well done !
This Adapter from CableMaster do the job with Nvidia Quadro M5000 !!
Thx to support.
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