01-01-2025 06:02 AM
I got a quest 3 on Christmas. Within 24 hours of creating an account (I purchased some games and subscribed to quest+) I got an email saying my account was locked due to suspicious activity and to go into my wallet to verify. I went into wallet and could not see anywhere to verify. I did add another payment method, turned on two factor verification, etc. nothing worked.
I reached out tho support several times via chat, email and WhatsApp. I had two different tickers which I’ve been told have been merged into one.
However, it’s been a week and nothing has been resolved. I cannot get a direct email or phone number to follow up on the case. I just kept being told either “it’s being sent to another group to review it” or “I see you already have a ticket please follow up on that ticket number”. How?!?! All my emails go to same generic support email and I don’t see anywhere to follow up on a specific ticket.
so I spent hundreds of dollars on this device, accessories, meta quest, etc and cannot purchase any games to play on it.
01-02-2025 04:15 AM
My face book accounts is locked by unusual activity how do you recovered
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