12-17-2024 03:35 PM
Greetings from London. I bought a meta quest 3 from amazon July 24th. Since buying it I have spent more time on WhatsApp communicating with customer support than actually using the headset. Whether it's with a bot or a call centre in India I do not know. On December 3rd I had a 3 hour discussion with Nilo ref# 07594385 to explain that my controllers were not working. He assured me they were working and the headset needed to be replaced. 4th Dec Lance ref# 07601522 1 hour. 5th Dec Obirai 30 mins. 9th Dec Jeff 30 mins. 10th Dec Yolanda ref# 07622145 90 mins. 11th Dec Dina ref# 07630532 where I explained that,having received my replacement headset, both controllers still did not work. After 2 1/2 hours she agreed to replace both controllers and sent me an email but it said to return only the left controller! So I called back and spoke with Youssef and asked him to send me an email showing that both controllers were to be returned. Instead he sent an email now showing only the right controller was to be returned. I called back and spoke with Liza who insisted I had to send both controllers in separate boxes, to the same address. I told her this was ridiculous but was forced to comply. I received a box yesterday with only the left controller. Spoke with Reyden for 2 hours trying to explain the absurdity of what I had endured. End result was that he couldn't help me and my case would be elevated to a different team. Throughout all these interactions I have asked for a supervisor or manager, only to be told no one was available. When I asked for the complaints department I was told they didn't have one. And I should use the meta Community forums. Please can somebody help me. I am almost to the point of throwing away my headset and the left controller and never buying a meta product again! Thank you in advance
12-17-2024 04:30 PM
@beesab69 TBH if after 5 months you can’t get a Q3 running properly, even after hours of support chats and replacement(s), I’d probably just give up. VR still isn’t completely plug and play so if you can’t troubleshoot issues yourself then maybe VR isn’t for you right now. This is just a user forum so I don’t know what you expect? While I feel your pain, there’s nothing any users can do to help solve your problems imho,
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