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How to resolve "Not Enough Space"

Honored Guest

Hello, I am a first-time user of the Oculus Quest 2, and I'm trying to download the program on my PC for use. I encountered an issue and am writing this post for help.

First, I received "Not Enough Space" message when trying to run the program. Both my C and D drives have sufficient storage space.

After some research, I found that it might be possible to install the program on the D drive using the command "C:\Users\*UserName*\Downloads\OculusSetup.exe /drive=D". However, when I executed this command, I received a message saying that an unavailable drive was selected. I confirmed that the format of the D drive is NTFS.

Due to my limited English writing skills, my writing may appear awkward.
Is there any other way to check for a solution?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @DToad_0325! We see you're encountering an error message indicating insufficient space. We understand device space is important, we'll do our best to get you back to enjoying all of your favorite VR experiences. To better assist you, could you please let us know if you're utilizing a dynamic or basic drive type? You can locate this information by following these steps:

  • Right click the Start Menu icon
  • Click on Disk Management
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Howdy! We were just checking in with you to see if you were still needing assistance. We look forward to hearing from you, and want to ensure you're well taken care of. We hope you have a great day!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

 Bonjour, je rencontre le même problème, j’ai vérifié mon disque dur, il est sûr dynamique

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