12-08-2023 03:17 PM - edited 11-27-2024 04:10 PM
Someone posted asking if it was possible to upgrade from a Quest 1 to a Quest 3 while still utilizing the Quest Referral Program. There is little to no information on if this is possible for the dozens of us who still have Quest 1s and want to upgrade to a Quest 3 or 3S. It is not only possible, but it’s possible to both get the referral credit and keep your free bonus game, such as Batman: Arkham Shadow. The Quest Referral Program, which lets you get the referral bonus within seven days of the device's purchase, and the bonus game offers work different, which is based on the account it's first activated on. I've chatted with Meta customer support and since you don't have a Quest 3/3S, it is condoned and even suggested by their customer support since you're not self-referring yourself and you can't even have your own referral link unless you have a Quest 2/3/Pro attached to your account.
The only thing other than a smartphone you need is a separate email address to create a new Meta account.
Disclaimer: This is based on chatting with Meta customer support and it’s an official policy, it can change at any time (at the end of the day I am just a person on the internet passing knowledge along. Also, for transparency, I will post my referral link in the post.
Important - If you are getting a Quest 3/3S and there is a free game promotion (such as Batman: Arkham Shadow): Setup your Quest with your primary Oculus/Meta account. Once you login to the Quest with your primary Meta/Oculus account, you'll get an email confirmation saying to redeem the offer. Redeem it immediately; that way, the game will be registered with that account instead of the secondary account you'll create in a few moments. You can confirm in the Quest app store via the Meta Horizon app that the game is attached to your account ("redeemed with your headset purchase").
After you do that, go to this link and delete the Quest 3(S) from your account, you'll get an email confirmation that a remote wipe has been indicated. Wait a moment and turn off/turn on your headset. Upon bootup, the device will automatically restart on its own and will do a factory reset. (Continue with the steps below to utilize the Quest Referral Program)
Now, in the Meta Horizon app, go to the settings section of the app and log out. You'll be prompted to login or create a Meta account. Click on "continue with email" and create a new Meta account, using either a spare email address including but not limited to via Gmail, iCloud+'s Hide My Email feature, or even DuckDuckGo's email feature.
Before you log into the Quest 3(S) with your secondary Meta account, activate the referral program on your account via a referral link of your choice. Here is my referral link if you need one or want to show your thanks for the guide. 🙂
Make sure you see this page showing you're ready before moving forward (try the above step again if you didn't get that page).
Now that your secondary Meta account has a referral attached to it, simply set up your Quest 3(S) with this account. Upon successfully setting up the device, go to the "Wallet" section in the Settings tab of the Meta Quest app to confirm the $30 has been added to your account, it should have been immediately added to your account (it'll take 30 days for the sender to receive their $30 credit).
With your $30 credit, you can gift games/apps to your primary account no problem. To make the credit go even further, you can utilize referral links for certain apps for a 15% discount, which will even be applied to apps gifted to your primary or another Meta/Oculus account. I'll post my recommendations, with referral links, at the end of the post. Before you purchase any game, click on the referral link for that app and get confirmation for the discount to work. It won't work if you do it afterwards. Many people have posted their respective referral links in different subreddits, other websites, etc.
When you want to gift a game/app to your primary Oculus/Meta account, find your primary account via your Meta/Oculus username or email address. It'll caution you that you two aren't friends and to be careful, but simply proceed. If you're super cautious about it, you can send it to your primary email address and redeem the code in your Quest app. You have up to 30 days to redeem the code, otherwise it'll be voided and your secondary account will get a refund.
Once you utilize all your store credit, you can either sign into your primary account in the headset (you can have up to four accounts active in your headset, including purchase sharing), or do another factory reset and set up the device again to have your primary account the admin for the headset. Don't worry, your purchases, gifted or not, will stay in your account.
Whew, sorry for the wall of text, but I hope this guide will be of service to people!
Edit: The devices section on Meta's website has changed, and I also updated the post with the Quest 3S, Meta Horizon app, promotions, and other updates in mind.
01-02-2024 02:38 PM
Thank you very much for this highly detailed and clear post. It is just what I was looking for 😀
Question: In the last paragraph when you wrote: "Once you utilize all your store credit, you can either sign into your primary account in the headset (you can have up to four accounts active in your headset, including purchase sharing), or do another factory reset and set up the device again to have your primary account the admin for the headset" - If I want the main account to be the admin, do I need to delete quest 3 from the new account before the factory reset or it doesn't matter?
What about the warranty: to which account will it be paired?
Thanks again 😉
01-03-2024 05:03 PM
Dear @darabo it worked like a charm!
Thank you very much 🙏
07-12-2024 11:44 AM
So you cannot login to the new account until you've used the $30 of credits? Even as a subaccount? That's annoying as it means I can't play my main library of games on my Quest 3, until I use the credits. I have to keep using my Quest 2. Ideally, I'd want to wait for the next big sale before using the $30. I guess I can consider using 25% coupons, but usually I prefer to wait for the bigger sales.
10-19-2024 01:10 PM
Hi there,
interesting read, does this still apply?
i would be upgrading from quest 2 to 3
11-16-2024 10:08 PM
So, correct me if I'm wrong, I bought the Meta Quest 3 and keeping the Meta Quest 2, handing down the Meta Quest 2, I should register the new account with the Meta Quest 3, complete the referral process, then just delete the devices from from those accounts and register the devices to the accounts they need to be on, great read and thanks again.
11-17-2024 12:09 PM
yes thats exactly what i did, first redeem the free game thats included with the purchase of the quest on your old account. then follow the steps
11-27-2024 03:49 PM
Is there an alternative way to delete the Quest 3 from my account?? The link doesn't work anymore, and I've scoured the internet for alternative links but it seems like they removed that feature.
The only thing i can seem to do is factory reset directly through the app. But I know this won't work unless I delete the device from my account first..
11-27-2024 04:00 PM
Hey there, looks like they've switched it up since I last posted.
11-29-2024 08:12 PM
I've logged into my account and Facebook, but for some reason. Every time I click on devices, it tells me "To continue, you must confirm your account." and so I click the "continue with Facebook" button underneath it.
After pressing that button, I keep getting redirected back to the Language section..
sorry for the late reply, I've been busy and was only able to attempt doing this now. I bought the Quest 3 on Sunday, and it's currently Friday night. I'm hoping you'll be able to see this comment ASAP
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