10:16 PM
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01:13 PM
I really need to get into my OCULUS desktop app for work purposes. I have my account opened in my mobile device and on my quest 2, but i want to be able to play on PC VR and for that the desktop app requires me to sign in.
When I want to log in, an email with a code is supposed to arrive, that code may arrive in a short time or never arrive. If it arrives and I enter it, sometimes I get an "incorrect password" warning (??????). If I try to use my email and log in with my password for meta. I get an incorrect password warning so I try to create a new one. (I receive another type of code in my email to perform this step) and when I enter the new password, an incorrect password ad appears. im attaching an screenshot of this last thing. it doesnt make sense. please someone help
11-29-2024 12:02 PM
I've had the EXACT same problem since Tuesday. "Spoke" (yeah right) with 3 different support people and none could figure it out. Meanwhile, I have an annual subscription to Quest+ that I paid for but can't use because Meta can't figure out the issue. Seems CRAZY that one of the largest tech companies in the world hasn't solved this significant issue for days now. UNACCEPTABLE
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