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I am so stressed about this someone please help me

Honored Guest

Help 1: Pleassseeee help I have a friend named Taco she has a private account and I can't friend her it doesn't give me a follow option it only gives me block and report 

Help 2: I can't call in group calls I can text but the join call or call button is fogged over and I can't click it I can't join it on my mobile app either I don't know if this is because of taco because it only happened whenever I made a new account and wasnt following taco but it's also happening to my friend Capy and Bubble and they've been on VR longer than me and Capy and bubble said tacos account look exactly like mine the follow button isn't there and you can only report or block so please someone help me figure this out 😭 

Me and my friends are dropping like flies I don't know who's next to be affected by this but I want to get rid of this so I can join the call 😭😭



 this is a picture of what it looks like for bubble and what it looks like for me and capy

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