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I can’t download Superhot VR, can somebody please help me

Honored Guest


So, I have just bought superhot VR, I have played the demo and loved it. But I can’t seem to instal it, when it looks like it’s installed, it just restarts and says that it’s not. Should I contact support or does somebody have a solution? I have tried restarting, updating and even factory reset. 


Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest

Hello, thank you for the info. I have resolved the issue. It was because I share a headset with my brother and have the games sharing option enabled. I looked on his account and found out that he has it downloaded on his account, so I deleted it and downloaded on my account.

Thank you for the help

View solution in original post



Hi @Poctis 🙂

you should contact support....your install issue might be caused by playing the demo.

Open a support ticket HERE

scroll down the page to "contact support" or

send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

click on the name to visit their profile page, then "click the "send a message" button.


Honored Guest

Hello, thank you for the info. I have resolved the issue. It was because I share a headset with my brother and have the games sharing option enabled. I looked on his account and found out that he has it downloaded on his account, so I deleted it and downloaded on my account.

Thank you for the help


Make sure your device and any app you're using for the game, like Oculus or SteamVR, are totally up to date. I've noticed before that if they're not, things just don't want to install right. And if you're getting some kind of error message when the install fails, definitely look that up online. I've found that a lot of times, someone else has had the same problem, and there's usually a fix out there in forums or on the game's official support page.

Hey @Poctis! We are glad to hear you figured this one out! Feel free to reach out to us anytime with any other questions or concerns.

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