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I can't scroll to login code.

Honored Guest
When I tried to log in to my MetaQuest 2, the browser to link the account gets interrupted midway and I can't see it.
I'm having trouble because I can't sync, and the app won't start at all. 
I've tried the following:
Updating to the latest firmware.
Switching the language to English/Japanese.
Connecting a mouse and keyboard via Bluetooth and trying scroll operations.
Is there any solution available?
I've been waiting for support's email for two weeks, He said was only "please restart." (´;ω;`)meta.jpg


  • SmaSurf クイック検索




Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest
I came up with a solution on my own.
By reducing the text size in Settings > Personalization > Text,
the code was displayed.
I hope this thread can be helpful to those who may encounter the same issue in the future.

View solution in original post


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @Shiorinss. Thank you for reaching out about your pairing issue. We know you've got to be eager to get connected and back to using VR, and we want to offer our assistance as well! Normally the code in your headset will be displayed, and you just have to put it into your phone app. Since you mentioned not being able to open the app, it may be best to start everything from scratch for the best results.


First, you'll want to uninstall your phone app, restart your phone, reinstall the app, and factory reset your headset. Don't worry, a factory reset won't make you lose anything. As long as you have your account information, you'll be able to download everything again once you're all set up.


If you have any issues after this please let us know and we'll be happy to assist you further.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey, hey, @Shiorinss. We just wanted to reach out and see if the steps we provided were able to resolve your issue. If you still have any issues, let us know; we're always happy to help!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest
I came up with a solution on my own.
By reducing the text size in Settings > Personalization > Text,
the code was displayed.
I hope this thread can be helpful to those who may encounter the same issue in the future.

Hey there! We're happy to hear that you found a solution that works. If you ever need us in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. Have a good day!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Wow. I searched for this solution probably 2 months ago with no luck.  Also reached out to support and got no help.  I checked and our text was on largest (couldn't scroll to see code needed to re-login).  Reduced the text to smallest and there the code was.  You sir or mam just made my son cry happy tears by fixing this.  Had to tell you thank you from him, beacuase he already has turned into a gorilla.

He provided steps that fixed the problem.  you didn't understand the problem clearly, and he fixed it for himself and me.  You guys need people who can think outside of the box.  There is a code in the settings but this was a message box that popped up, and if your text was large you couldn't see the code it said was required to login.  There also was no possible way to scroll down the window to see the code.  the solution was to reduce text size and the code became visible.  it had nothing to do with the device pairing code in the settings but that is the only thing people in the support could think about in my case and it seems to be the same on this one.

But when I see it up on my screen the home bar isn't there so I have no way of getting into my settings


After the latest cyber attack on Facebook/meta we are also having the issue of not being able to see the login code. While simultaneously running into the issue of not being able to get to the settings to reduce text size. Curious as to how I’m going to be able to fix this one for a very unhappy 9 year old gorilla. 

How do I even go to settings. And that’s shown is that page, but still can’t see the code.

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