04-17-2024 03:09 PM - edited 04-17-2024 03:10 PM
On my meta quest 3, if I go into chats and then into stickers there is no option for sending pictures or videos, I can only send stickers.
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-25-2024 08:53 AM
Hey there, everyone! I finally got an update from the team, and it appears y'all were correct. It appears the ability to send photos and videos was blocked to UK and EU users. As for the exact reason why, I'm not too sure, but I would think it to be legal reasons. I know this likely isn't the answer y'all were looking for, but I hope it brought some clarification as to not being able to send photo/video via your headset or mobile app. Thank you all for your patience!
04-18-2024 03:20 AM
Hi @Unknownboy7332 🙂
yes, it's the same for me....I have no button to send images.
Not sure, if this is some sort of bug?
The feature to send images and avatar stickers is only available in some countries.
But I think if you are able to send stickers, you should also able to send an image.
Maybe somebody else here or @MetaQuestSupport can tell what's the reason for that.
04-18-2024 08:10 AM
Hey @Unknownboy7332 and @Choleni. We definitely want to help you regain access to all of the chat features on your Quest 3 as soon as possible. Here are some suggestions for fixing the issue.
Let us know if these steps helped in resolving your issue. If you're still having problems after trying these steps, we can look into other solutions to fix the problem with your chat. Hope to hear from you soon!
04-18-2024 09:27 AM
Thanks for your answer @MetaQuestSupport 🙂
Let me explain a little more......I do not have this "send image" button in Quest 3, in Quest 2 or in the mobile app.
That's why I thought it's maybe a bug or just not available in my country.
I logged out and in again in mobile app but that does not change a thing.
I reboot the quest 2 each day and that also doesn't change anything.
04-18-2024 09:52 AM
Hey @Choleni. Thanks so much for bringing this issue to our attention. We want to make sure we're doing everything possible to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Based on the info you've given us and the steps we suggested, we will look into this a little further in order to give you the best solution for this case. In the meantime, we're always here to help if there's anything else we can assist with. Looking forward to your response!
04-26-2024 12:09 PM
Hey y'all! I would love to bring this up to our internal team for further investigation, but I would need some information to provide them first. Please let me know the following information:
Also, a screenshot of the chat options would be greatly appreciated (please cross out any personal information in the screenshot)
With this information, I'll have a better chance of getting whether or not this is a bug or a feature from our internal team. Thank you all for your patience during this time!
04-27-2024 02:37 AM
Hi @WootM4ge 🙂
here are the infos you've asked for.
Screenshot from chat in the headset .....no button for sending pictures
screen from chat in mobile app......no picture button
04-30-2024 07:46 AM
Hey @Choleni! Thanks for getting back to me with the requested information! I'm bringing this up with our team to see what they can tell me about whether or not this is intentional. I'll get back with you as soon as I hear any news!
05-02-2024 10:07 AM
Looks like the team is aware of this and looking into it further! I'll keep an eye out for updates that the team provides and I'll be sure to let y'all know what I find out as soon as I do. Thank you for your patience!
05-17-2024 12:13 PM
Hey everyone! I want to reach back out to see if any of y'all have updated to v65 yet? I want to be able to provide the team with an update regarding the new update to see if there was any change. Looking forward to hearing back from y'all!
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