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I can‘t visit store and my apps in the library wihile using the headset

Honored Guest

My quest 2 headset is connected to the wifi , connected to my phone but I can't see my apps and games in the library and I can't access the store,can't browse my account information in the settings too. 


Strangely, the problem seems to only be happening on Quest headsets and does not appear to affect the Rift platform on the PC And the Oculus app on the mobile phone. There I can normally see the apps and games I have purchased.


This problem has been going on for a week, and I have tried many methods, such as logging off the mobile app, shutting down and restarting headset, and resetting the wifi, but none of them have solved the problem.




Retired Support

Hey @wukong2048 let's try a few more things to get your headset connected. 


- Completely log out of your headset, then power off

- Delete your Oculus app from your phone, then restart your device 

- Redownload the Oculus App and log in once more 

- Turn on your headset and restart the pairing process once more


That should have cleared out your Bluetooth cache.

Also make sure the headset and your mobile device are on the save WiFi network. 


Please let us know if that works for you.  



Have you tried turning it off and on again?
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