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I got a Quest 3 that has arkham shadow but I am not able to redeem it,

Honored Guest

I already Setup my headset, its not in a secondary profile, It didn't give me batman Arkham shadow and its most likely a bug probably when I clicked skipped on payment details during the setup though after I put in payment details and it still saying I have to spent 49.99$ . Is there anyway I can have it added to my account? I also been looking around the forum and others have experiencing the same thing though the answers haven't helped me. Is there a chance I can prove that my headset is eligible for the batman game to be added to my account? 

Sincerely, Teddy. 


Rising Star

Did you check the promotions section in the meta app?

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.


Hi @MrTeddy256 🙂

its most likely a bug

maybe....there were a few users with similar issues. But they got the game eventually.

If you haven't already, try the steps described in the link below:

Redeem your Meta Quest app, game or subscription promotion | Quest help 

If this doesn't work, send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.

They can sort that.

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