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I got new pro controllers and when I pair them to my quest 2 they pair fine but are then stuck at 0%



We have talked to support, unpaired, repaired, restored factory settings, and finally send the pro controllers back for a replacement, only for the replacement controllers to have the same exact issue. This is unacceptable and entirely infuriating. I see posts from 2 years ago with people having this issue and it still has never been resolved?! 

Hi @Lauraanderlohr 🙂

there are several threads about that issue.

Some users made it work by pairing them first to a Quest pro - here the update seems working - and then pair the controllers back to their own device.

If you know someone with a Quest pro, you could try that.


Unfortunately we don’t know anyone with a pro. Would a quest 3 work?? It’s frustrating that meta hasn’t found a fix for this issue. 

Unfortunately not.....Quest 3 users are facing the same problem☹️

@Lauraanderlohr  some users have also got their pro controllers to update by joining the Public Test Channel PTC, but as @Choleni mentioned, pairing with a Pro headset could give more positive results. VR forums or social media may help you find someone with a Pro headset locally.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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