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I got scammed by Meta itself…

Honored Guest

Worst customer experience ever.


First, I placed a Black Friday order for Christmas on Meta’s website, spending over €1000 on two pairs of Ray-Bans and the latest Meta Quest. A good customer, right?


I received the order, but one of the Ray-Bans was incorrect. They sent the same model, but not in the sunglasses version as stated in the order. I contacted customer support, and they told me I had to return the pair of glasses so they could “find a solution.”


I returned the glasses, but they didn’t find a solution. Instead, they just asked me to place a new order online for the correct pair and said they would issue a refund.

Two issues with this:

The model is no longer available.

The model is no longer on sale.


Customer support couldn’t care less. They take ages to respond and, when they do, their responses are completely off-topic.


I then asked for a store credit so I could buy the same glasses later, but they refused. I still haven’t received the refund, even though it’s been over a month since I placed the order.


Don’t shop on Meta. They’re just amateurs, and their customer service is disgraceful. I’m going to return everything — this is outrageous.

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