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I had a stroke and my right arm is useless.

Honored Guest
Jurassic World Aftermath has any options that could help adapt the gameplay to your needs?
Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge has any options that could help adapt the gameplay to your needs?
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The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners has any options that could help adapt the gameplay to your needs?
Resident Evil 4 has any options that could help adapt the gameplay to your needs?
Alien: Rogue Incursion has any options that could help adapt the gameplay to your needs?
Shattered has any options that could help adapt the gameplay to your needs?
Broken Spectre has any options that could help adapt the gameplay to your needs?


@chris.gruno  there are some limited options in the controller settings to map some of the right hand controller functions to the left hand controller buttons/triggers.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR


I don't have any of those installed at the moment to check. But I do know Pistol Whip and Walkabout Mini Golf both support playing with just a left arm.

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3
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