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I have to reinstall my GPU driver ever time I play VR.... whats going on?

Not applicable

Okay so I’m having some interesting computer issues.

Every time I start my computer up and, of course it auto loads Oculus Home, my
performance falls into the red and VR is unplayable. In task manager it says GPU usage
is at 100% in Oculus Home2 and CPU is a 100% as well. But I found a fix for this
issue. I simply have to reinstall my GPU’s driver, restart, and then everything is
buttery smooth afterwards. GPU and CPU usage drops back down to normal and my performance is solid green. So I usually play VR in the evenings and every-time I turn on the computer for a VR session I have this exact same issue so I’ve
been doing this EVERY SINGLE TIME I turn my computer on to play VR. Whats funny is that when I restart my computer immediately after updating the GPU driver - it runs just fine. But if I wait a day and then start my computer up, what ever fix it was that I did the day before gets erased and I have to do the whole process all over again.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

I would appreciate any insight.

Here are my specs:

(Intel i5-8400 6 Core Processor, AMD RX 580 4GB, 12GB DDR4 RAM, 500GB SSD, Win 10 Home 64-bit)


Honored Guest
Interesting how you have not got an answer to this....have you managed to sort it out? I have the exact same problem, I am running it on asus ROG zepyrus GX501

Honored Guest
lol, I am too and its been 9 months...

Heroic Explorer
I don't have an answer, but can you verify the version number on your GPU driver hen you first boot into your system, then do the update and reverify the version number. Then the next when you reboot, reverify the version number. Let's see if the version itself resets for some odd reason.
ASUS ROG Strix GL702VS-AH73 17.3" Laptop.  I7-7700HQ, GTX1070, 12 GB DDR4 RAM, 500 EVO 970 GB SSD, VS 2017, Oculus rift, Windows 10 home

Honored Visionary
Starting your computer should not automatically start Oculus Home. Maybe you have the Oculus sensor on the headset covered over by the strap or something, which would cause Oculus Home to start automatically. I would also completely remove any traces of the graphics drive with something like this (link below) before reinstalling the new driver.

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