03-17-2023 12:04 PM
When im in a game like beatsaber or anything else i keep teleporting facing the opposite way. Both my head and controllers are messed up and it takes like 3-5 secondes to recover. This is really annoying. Anyone suggestions?
03-17-2023 12:34 PM
Hello there! This is not the experience we want you to have while playing your awesome games and VR device. We know the time this taking away from being able to use your device and want to get a better look at this for you. We were wondering if you have restarted your headset? In addition, if you have done any troubleshooting?
Once we get this information we can provide you with a few steps!
04-04-2023 04:42 AM
I tried both but it just doesn't work. Even when trying that my head is teleporting left and right
04-04-2023 08:11 AM
Not to worry! We'll be more than glad to help you and get this fixed for you. The issue could be related to the fact that your headset may have forgotten your previous Guardian set-up. So, we would like to begin with this suggestion that we'll leave below, to redraw your Guardian boundaries. Please let us know how it goes so we can determine if any additional steps are necessary.
04-05-2023 08:15 AM
Hey there! We're keeping an eye on you and wondering if you still need any further assistance. If you do, please let us know, and we'll be more than delighted to continue assisting you.
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