09-19-2016 01:54 PM
must say I have never ever encountered the amount of misery I'm having since I
bought an Oculus Rift. Don't get me wrong the device itself (if working)
is great to play on but boy did I get my share of misery. Lockups, black
screens, usb going berserk you name it. I hope someone here can help me
get out of this hole because I'm sick and tired of
troubleshooting. 20% of the time my rift is connected I'm
troubleshooting. Ok, rant ended. Let me describe my problems.
many of you have experienced I have the sensor disconnect problem. I'm
reading that the devs are on it so I'll leave that hoping there will come a
main problems I have for the moment are:
20 mins of playtime (iRacing) my Rift starts to show black screens. The longer I wait the more black screens I
get resulting in a complete black screen.
If I look into my eventvwr I see the error:
“The Oculus VR Library Service service terminated with the following
service-specific error:
There are no more
A lot of other
errors as well but don’t know which one really causes all the problems. I’m on the latest video drivers + oculus
update. Here is the rest of my rig:
Asus sabertooth x99
Core I7 -5820K
32 gigs of ddr3
M2 ssd drive
Also using hdmi + usb extension cables (3m)
I ordered the ones that were recommended here on amazon. Having the problems as well when connected
directly on pc.
Let me know what I
can do to end this please.
09-26-2016 04:17 PM
09-27-2016 03:02 AM
09-28-2016 04:18 AM
09-28-2016 02:05 PM
09-28-2016 02:20 PM
09-29-2016 11:42 AM
09-30-2016 05:26 AM
10-01-2016 03:48 AM
Insr33 said:
Have new issues since yesterday.. I installed Virtual Desktop via the Oculus store and start it prior to start Iracing. As you return to desktop between each session it's handy to remain seated in my simulator. However since yesterday my Virtual Desktop seems to pop up for no reason and blocks my screen during gaming. If I then rerturn to game I can continue my session but it's very annoying. Any fix for that guys. Really think I should put my headset away for some months until all this misery is (hopefully) over...
10-01-2016 07:03 AM
Insr33 said:
Solved this issue thank to someone on the iracing forum. It was the voice activation setting that caused this.
02-17-2017 08:23 AM
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