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I need help with meta quest 3 account

Honored Guest

This is the only help I got, I’m suppose to find an email for five months ago ? Is there anyway at all to do anything without it ? 

Thanks for reaching back out. While we are unable to resend this email, it does look like there was an initial email sent on March 8thto the email registered on the affected account, and the last email sent was on March 22nd. We would recommend checking the email between these dates along with the spam and junk folders if it should have been filtered out. 


We appreciate your time, and have a great day!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, we appreciate you reaching out to us. We can see that you are in contact with another member of our support team, and we do ask that you stay in contact with them so that we do not miss any information that you provided to us. We hope that you are able to get your account back soon! Have a great day! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

They’re not helping . They said to look for an email sent five months ago . Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do . 

Hi @jenean.303318 🙂

I can't help and hope you get that sorted somehow. I'll keep my fingers crossed🤞

Just a tipp for the future

I've created a "support" folder in my email program. All support conversations - not only with Meta - are in that helps a lot in situations like the one you are facing right now.


Thank you , it’s just sad they can’t resend an email or help in anyway besides telling me I need to find some email we never received. He’s ten , he did not delete it . 

Yes...... Sorry to hear that your problem is still not solved☹️

Honored Guest

Now all they say is we will email you … they haven’t . 

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