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I need to contact meta support

Honored Guest

hi guys im having some troubles regarding my facebook and instagram accounts, im using this forum bc im running out of options to contact meta support, it appears that somebody created an instagram account that violated community guidelines using my information i have never utilized an account named dorothymipy9 and i cannot access it to even attempt to appeal the issue my actual instagram account is achangocrgamer pls email me at redacted  or redacted if a meta employee requires aditional information like my id to prove that its me and resolve this issue, thanks  Screenshot 2025-01-18 193313.png


Honored Guest
My name is Ana Maria de Jesus Monteiro, and I am writing to appeal the suspension of my account, as I believe there may have been an error in its evaluation. I would like to apologize in advance for any content that may have been interpreted as violating the Community Standards, but I assure you that such an outcome was never my intention.
My page has an emotional and creative nature, where I primarily share photos of my travels, family moments, and my pets. I am also an activist advocating against animal abuse and promoting responsible adoptions. This account is the only place where I keep many of these cherished memories and records, which hold immense emotional value for me—especially of relatives who are no longer with us. These memories document times when they were present in my life.
Furthermore, I am a fiction writer, and all my posts are creative, often humorous, and never intended to violate the platform's policies. This suspension has caused me to lose part of the material I planned to publish in book form. Additionally, I use my Facebook account to promote conferences and cultural magazines I contribute to, which reach a broad audience as an important source of information.
After reviewing the Community Standards, I fully understand the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users. However, I assure you that I have never shared any content that violates these standards, including those related to prohibited goods, services, or other restricted activities.
I would also like to clarify that I have never shared any content promoting weapons, drugs, or other banned items. On the contrary, I am an activist against such issues. If any of my posts were flagged, it is possible that certain words used in fictional or humorous contexts were misinterpreted by detection systems. However, all content I share aims to entertain, raise awareness, or preserve memories.
I believe this suspension may have resulted from a misinterpretation or an automated assessment of some content. Therefore, I kindly request a manual review of my case. I am available to clarify any doubts or provide additional information if needed. I reiterate my commitment to respecting the platform's guidelines and will be even more careful with the content I share in the future to avoid similar issues.
Thank you for your attention and understanding. I hope to regain access to my account and the valuable memories it holds. I look forward to continuing to contribute positively to the Facebook community.
Yours sincerely,
Ana Maria de Jesus Monteiro
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